
Managing People and Careers Portfolio


  • Unit No: NA
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3472
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: NA
  • Downloads: 1826
Question :
This assessment will cover certain questions which are like:
  • Make an effective cover letter for business and their working.
  • Give all the application form and the function for marketing research.
Answer :




JOB TITLE: Graduate Research Executive

Dear Sir,

This letter is to show my interest in IPSOS Mori organisation for a position of Graduate Research Executive. I am highly interested in opportunities that provides me chance to make lot of research and enhance my skills and knowledge to assess future market condition. Skills are the expertise or talent that needed in order to so a job or task (Baruch, Altman and Tung, 2016). IPSOS Mori is one of the highly recognised organisation in research industry and I kept on checking your website on regular basis. Last week I found a post in which vacancy for a post of Graduate Research Executive was mentioned. I am so much interested in this job profile as this suits my present skills and abilities and will motivate me to develop me to become one of the best asset in your organisation. To become a research executive like innovative, creating thinking, good managerial abilities and capacity to analyse must be present in an individual. Creative thinking is based on the concept regarding assessing an idea in a new way that has not been considered yet (Deuze, 2016). It helps to provide fresh perspective in relation to any issue or problem. I would like to inform you that all these skills are present in me to more then an average level when a fresher is compared. Skills to access the data from past and present and making it useful for future is one of the best quality that in have with me. I am able to perform number of activities that will help me to perform my job in better manner and become an asset for business. I am quite capable to perform my work on time to meet allotted deadlines. Commercial awareness, numerical skills and organisational skills will help me in making my performance to meet the set organisational standards. My interpersonal skills and verbal communication skills leads to generation of good relationship within the organisation and also with clients for which work is performed.

I am a fresher and studied in business management and together with all the skills that I possess when I will work in your organisation I will help to attain targeted objectives. The positive and encouraging working environment will make help me to perform what needs to be achieve while working in this job position. As I have studied a lot amount business management this helps me to generate capabilities through which new marketing scenario will be measured and changes will be adopted with appropriate research. Recent marketing trends and its impact on business operation will be analysed in most appropriate manner to make research viable as per requirements (Furniss, Curzon and Blandford, 2018). Assessing market conditions on the basis of market trends helps to analyses movement of market and research in relation to market will be made more effectively. I am a quick learner and as market research is one of my keen interest which will help to me learn all the related scenario in relation to research in easy and effective manner. My innovative skills and knowledge in relation to research market and technological environment helps me to understand the research work more appropriately and to generate better results. As I am completing my studies in the coming month and while making various projects and attending training I was praised for my efforts and skills that I put to conduct any operation.

My capabilities matches with all the requirements needed for job profile of Graduate Research Executive. This opportunity will provide me to explore my interest area. CV is attached with the letter to inform about my skills and educational qualification.

Thank you for your time and hoping for a positive replay form you.


Yours Sincerely




(Maximum 2 sides of A4)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Name- XYZ

Address- 15 Thomas More St, St Katharine's &

Wapping, London E1W 1YW,

United Kingdom

Contact no.- (+44) 20 3059 6000

Email id- XYZ@domain.gamil.com



Working in a an organisation which provides me challenging roles and opportunity to improve my skills and knowledge to grow in market research field.


Education and Qualifications


Educational Qualification

School / College




Bachelorette Biology/Chemistry

National Collage Emil Racovita




Management Administrative Assistant


Zabeel International Institute of Management & Technology


2017 till present

Business Management (BSC)


University of Roehampton



I have completed my internship with TNS Limited organisation for 6 months.

Responsibilities taken-

  • Consulting clients about required projects and personalised requirements
  • Collecting of data for qualitative and quantitative research
  • Agreeing timescales and budgets
  • Writing reports and clients recommendations
  • Analysing, translating and presenting results
  • Assisting clients to make best use of the results provided to them


  • Recognised for meeting all the deadlines for projects
  • Praised by superiors for hard work and enthusiasm towards work


  • Awarded for providing one of the best innovative idea while working on a project
  • Received best internal award in my training period


  • Reading books and Novels
  • Watching Movies
  • Playing Football
  • Listening Songs


  • Micro-soft PowerPoint
  • Micro-soft Excel
  • Micro-soft Word
  • SAP
  • HTML


  • Creativity and innovative skills
  • Team work management skills
  • Verbal communication skills
  • Enthusiasm to work in complex working conditions
  • Quick learner and self motivated
  • Good listener with effective analytical skills
  • Problem solving attitude and effective decision maker


  • Managing business operations
  • Taxation knowledg


Father's name: ABC

Mother's name: VWX

Nationality: British

Date of birth- 21st June, 1980


  • Sense the vibe in atmosphere
  • Highly motivated
  • Energetic for work and better results
  • Competitive to work more effectively



I XYZ herby declare that all the information provided in CV is true and fair to best of my knowledge and mentioned qualification is assured with degree of the renounced collage and university.



(maximum 200 words per answer)

Why Do You Want to Work For Us?

When an individual wants to make his or her carrier in market research industry then IPSOS Mori is considered to be one of the best organisation one can look for. As my natural curiosity to a career in research will help me to serve more and more consumers with smarter decisions by offering them a unique depth of knowledge and expertise. As IPSOS Mori organisation works on the scenario where they help each employee to have a career by nursing a culture of collaboration and continuous development. In organisation individuals with high calibre is attracted that possess ability to work hard and achieve all the set objective (Horak, 2017). While working is such an organisation will help me to mould some of my skills to become best and get more and more expertise experience to work in market research. Together with this IPSOS Mori offers competitive salary and benefits packages, flexible working hours, holiday programmes. Opportunity for working on live projects are provided and comprehensive foundation on research and its application on commercial environment training is provided. All these reasons make me keen to work with this organisation.

 Tell us About a Time You Worked in a Group to Achieve an Objective

(What Did You Do and What Was The Outcome?)

When I was at my internship at TNS Limited I got three opportunities to work in a team. While working with group of individuals I experienced that it helps in enhancing my capabilities to interact with others and to perform a task with team in more productive manner. Last time a group task to make a market research in relation to adaptation of new technologies to consumers was assigned to me with 7 other people in team. This task was quite an experience for all of us. We started performance with a group meeting in which whole scenario of the activity was drafted. Each individual on the basis of their skills and inters allotted work and opinion of each group member was taken into consideration. Goals were set and each individual is provided with a clear vision and mission that needs to be achieved in specified time duration. Outcome was positive as we all perform our work quite well and conducted operation in most effective manner. Collective performance with clear allocation of roles and responsibilities helps in achieving objectives of team work in corrective manner (Horváth, 2017). This helps us to boost our moral and in future we become more enthusiast towards assigned work.

 Tell us About a Time When You Identified a New Approach to Solve a Problem. 

(what did you do and what was the outcome?)

In my draining days number of situations arises that demands out of the box idea to accomplish desired target. In market research business problems keeps on arising on day-to-day basis they can be small or large but hindered operations drastically. In this situation any one working on the issue has to come up with something new to resolve the problem. I was a internal and was performing number of activities to learn more and more. While I was working in a team an issue to make market research in relation to how sales can be increased for a FMCG product. Discounts were quite an old idea to attract more and more consumers. This time an out of box idea needs to be implemented to boost sales. Then I suggested to join sales with social welfare. As a contribution through purchase will leads to more and more amount of donation towards education of poor children's. When this idea was implemented it was seen that it actually worked and people started buying more and more of that product. Together with this it enhance brand image and provide long term sustainability. Introducing this scheme through effective marketing channel helps in providing more positive results.

 Tell us About a Time When You Had to Manage a Number of Different Priorities and complete a Number of Tasks in a Short Amount of Time.

(what did you do and what was the outcome?)

As a trainee in such a huge organisation demands an individual to become multi-tasking to make a position and get recognisance form superiors. Once I was provided number of activities that I needs to be performed one by one but their priority needs to be decided by myself. When I was provided number of activities then for first instance I choose to analyse all the work assigned and then deciding their priority level. At that time I learned to manage number of activities at the same time and also to manage different task on preferential basis. Initially when I was provided various activities and all at the same time then I started panicking and thought that it is not possible to do it all together. Then I start motivating myself and convened that with a effective strategy anything can be possible. Task that seems important and immediate need to be performed is completed by me at first place. While completing important task initiation of other task was made and they all were completed with hard work and success. Setting priorities in relation to different activities are considered to be one of the best technique towards time management and accomplish each work in more appropriate manner (Huemann, 2016). One thing that I really took with this incidence is how to manage time and perform more efficiently.

 Tell us About a Project You Worked on That Required You to Persuade Others to Your Point of View.

(what did you do and what was the outcome?)

In recent time when I was completing my masters in business management a group project was assigned to us in which a leading organisation needs to be consider to identify their leadership an management style. Together with such identification new ideas must be introduced so that new and effective leadership and management can be introduced as per changing environment. The whole group was involved with this work and agreed on one name to make all the analysis. We all find how operations are managed and employees are motivated in that particular business model. Suggestions that are made by us was quite different and I need to convene others with my point of view. For this I presented facts as they possess ability to make others think same. I discussed with all the group together and tried to express my point of view and considering their too. All efforts made by me so that I can implement my idea on which each team member gets agree. This helps me to learn convincing skills and team work skills while completing a project.




When I was preparing form interview skills that I generated form school and my higher education plays an important role. Every time in school and collage I was encouraged for public speakings and to conduct a program. This helps to boost my confidence level and communication and presentation skills keeps on improving. Personality development is one of the important thing that is required to work in the competitive business environment (Kasemsap, 2017). I have read a lot of books and attended various seminars that helps to be grab more and more knowledge in research field. Watching various interviews clips online provides me a gimps how to crack an interview. Some of the key points that I keep in consideration while preparation for interview are as follows-

  • Keep basic knowledge in relation to all the relative areas of marketing research.
  • Response of all the answers to all the questions matters and they must be provided in appropriate manner.
  • All the required documents and certificates for education and achievements must be available with you.
  • Postures while we communicate and language that we prefer attracts interviewer and that needs to be improved to impress everyone to crack interview.

All these points I learned while preparing for an interview and these help me to develop my personality and skills to a great extent.

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When I was preparing with this project then I realised that one thing that push me all throughout is my interest in marketing research. A career of our interest fills new blood in our vanes so that hard work can be done to the maximum. All the activities that are performed in my education and training period has a great influence on my personality development. As interviews given by me in collage helps me to identify areas where improvements needs to be done. Points and experiences that are collected through seminars and training helps me to enhance my skills and attitude. The key points that I assessed are as follows-

  • Self motivation and confidence is required at each level while working in a industry that deals with research work (Mainiero and Gibson, 2018).
  • Effective communication as per demand of situation is recommend so that each activity can be performed individually or in group.
  • Adaption to changing environment and technology needs to be done to become successful.
  • Time management and analytical skills are key to become successful and to gain positive response of superiors and subordinates.

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  • Baruch, Y., Altman, Y. and Tung, R. L., 2016. Career mobility in a global era: Advances in managing expatriation and repatriation.The Academy of Management Annals. 10(1). pp.841-889.
  • Deuze, M., 2016. Managing media workers. InManaging Media Firms and Industries(pp. 329-341). Springer, Cham.
  • Furniss, D., Curzon, P. and Blandford, A., 2018. Exploring organisational competences in Human Factors and UX project work: managing careers, project tactics and organisational strategy.Ergonomics. 61(6). pp.739-761.
  • Horak, S., 2017. The informal dimension of human resource management in Korea: Yongo, recruiting practices and career progression.The International Journal of Human Resource Management.28(10). pp.1409-1432.
  • Horváth, Z. E., 2017. Recent issues of employability and career management.Opus et Educatio.4(2).
  • Huemann, M., 2016. Managing the project-oriented organization. InGower Handbook of Project Management(pp. 493-506). Routledge.
  • Kasemsap, K., 2017. Career Management in the Knowledge-Based Organizations.International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO).7(2). pp.60-73.
  • Mainiero, L. A. and Gibson, D. E., 2018. The Kaleidoscope Career Model revisited: How midcareer men and women diverge on authenticity, balance, and challenge.Journal of Career Development.45(4). pp.361-377.
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